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What is a reaping?
A reaping is an annual event that takes place in every district before each Hunger Games, where the tributes of the upcoming Games are chosen.
Each district's escort randomly chooses the name of two tributes from two separate glass balls. Those picked are then the official tributes for the upcoming Games. Only children 12-18 are reaped.
Once of age, a potential-tribute's name is entered into the reaping one time. The entries are cumulative, so when a possible tribute is thirteen, their name is added one more time. This continues until age 18, when a potential-tribute's name is entered 7 times, or more if they apply for tesserae.
Each age group is contained in roped-off areas in the town square, waiting for someone to be picked. The reapings take place at different times in different districts, so that Capitol citizens can watch them all live on television. Many members of the Capitol often place bets on who will be chosen. Unless someone is on their deathbed, they will be imprisoned for not attending their district's reaping.
What is volunteering?
If someone so chooses, they may volunteer to take the place of a tribute who is selected. This is often done by Career Tributes who spend their lives training to compete in the Hunger Games. It is sometimes done for other reasons though, but this is not done nearly as often as Careers volunteering.
The volunteering process is simple in most districts, especially the later numbered ones. But in earlier numbered districts, such as the Career districts, (1, 2, 4, and 24) volunteering is a more complicated process since participating in the Games is seen as an honor and victors are highly respected and have great prestige.
What is tesserae?
For the residents of various districts, any child between the ages of 12 through 18 can apply for tesserae. This supplies them with a year's supply of grain and oil. They can choose to do this for each of their family members as well. However, each tesserae they sign up for puts another slip with their name in the reaping ball. It is also cumulative. The amount of tesserae taken is larger in Panem’s poorer districts, such as District 12.