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The nation of Panem was separated into a total of twenty four nation-states known as districts, all of which are recognized as operational by the Capitol, and each being responsible for producing, procuring, or refining goods in a particular industry as dictated by the Capitol. All of the districts are subject to the unrelenting will of the authoritarian Capitol, and have no known influence concerning the national politics of Panem beyond their own individual territories. The districts barely interact with each other since it was illegal, so each district generally has a unique culture unaffected by the other districts. Welfare levels vary significantly, and are often dependent on the goods it produces; some districts, such as 10, 11, and 12 are far more impoverished than wealthier districts like 1, 2, 4, 20, 23, and 24, though no district is nearly as wealthy as the Capitol itself. Each district provides something different to the Capitol; for example, District 12 provides coal and District 4 provides fish.


District One- Luxury

District 1 makes the luxury goods that decorate and beautify our great Capitol. Its excellent taste and craftsmanship keep Capitol residents bewigged and bedazzled year-around.


District Two- Masonry

Our nation would be nothing without District 2’s superb stonework. It builds and fortifies our cities, and its citizens are known for their strength.

District Three- Technology

Panem is one of the most advanced nations in mankind’s history, thanks to the efforts of District 3. Its computers keep us all connected, and it’s electronic gadgets keep us all entertained.


District Four- Fishing

Do you like seafood? Shrimp and crabmeat? Often overlooked, District 4 plays an essential role, bringing us the bounty of the sea. These citizens are adept with nets and tridents, and can swim like fish themselves.


District Five- Power

Electric and solar  - District 5 harnesses the energy of the earth and the sky in order to power our great nation.


District Six- Transportation

Our hovercraft, our high-speed trains, and our cargo trains come to us from District 6. Ironically, the citizens here have little love for travel.

District Seven- Lumber

This beautiful district is lush with trees, from which these citizens supply our lumber and paper. The people of District 7 are hardworking and down-to-earth.


District Eight- Textiles

From the simple, lovely fabrics of the districts to the brocades favoured in the Capitol, District 8 makes it all.


District Nine- Grain

District 9 is Panem's bread bowl, giving us the fertile harvest we need to keep rising as a nation. Its amber waves of grain are an inspiration to us all.


District Ten- Livestock

The gentle lowing of cattle is the first thing a visitor to District 10 hears. This region raises strong, healthy livestock, which becomes the meat that helps us raise strong, healthy children of Panem.

District Eleven- Agriculture

Known for its bountiful orchards, District 11's workers spend their days among rustling fruit trees and sizeable farms.


District Twelve- Mining

One of the outer districts, this is nonetheless a crucial one. These brave and hardy workers descend deep into the earth each day to mine the coal that keeps our nation running.


District Thirteen- Nuclear Power

District 13 helps provide Panem with nuclear weapons and graphite, in case we ever need to win a war. With their help, we have become the most powerful nation to ever exist.


District Fourteen- Muttation

Every muttation was made in District 14, from tracker jackers to the terrifying you’ll see in the arenas.

District Fifteen- Medical Research

Cold? Flu? Global Pandemic? Don’t worry, District 15 will find you a cure for any medical problem.


District Sixteen- Film

Ever see a movie? Well, you can thank District 16. They specialize in making movies, broadcast, and even televising the Games, so we can all have entertainment.


District Seventeen- Music

How often do you listen to music, often I know. District 17 the home of music where you can feel beats all day.


District Eighteen- Packaging

Ever wonder how the goos are shipped from your district throughout Panem? Actually, they’re all sent on trains to District 18, where workers package them so they can be mailed far and wide. This District has many different smaller locations throughout Panem to make the job easier.

District Nineteen- Disposal

This district is where all the dead bodies go, people here are ready to handle death since they’re the ones seeing dead bodies. And of course, before burying the bodies, someone will have to examine them. Examining the bodies is a job for District 19.


District Twenty- Food

Our food, drinks, desserts all come from this wonderful District 20. This District is the 5th richest District. People here are experts with making foods. They make sweet and yummy desserts.


District Twenty One- Astrology

We know we’re not the only ones on the universe. Ever wonder why there are so many stars at night, or what’s out there beyond our sight? District 21 will find out, and we’ll find all there is to know about the planets and the galaxies.


District Twenty Two- Construction

Did you know District 22 is responsible for every building in all of Panem? That’s right, their workers travel all over Panem to construct buildings for us, while others stay home and draw the blueprints. Your very own home was probably made by someone from that District.

District Twenty Three- Cosmetics

Every Capitol citizen couldn’t go a day without makeup. Without District 23, there would be no makeup, hair products, or beauty products in general.


District Twenty Four- Law Enforcement

Everyone in Panem has encountered a peacekeeper at least once. Well, that peacekeeper was born and raised in District 24. Citizens of this District are trained in combat.

Districts: News & Updates
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